The mediating effect of entrepreneurial action learning on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial performance: A case study based on Chinese SMEs

Fen He, Duangporn Puttawong

Article ID: 4326
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024


Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) emphasizes the identification and exploitation of business opportunities, while entrepreneurial action learning (EAL) underscores the acquisition of knowledge through practical experience and continuous improvement. Breakthroughs in both aspects contribute to maintaining flexibility, adapting to changes, and enabling success in competitive markets. The key to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) lies in a clear Entrepreneurial Orientation, a focus on Entrepreneurial Action Learning, and the cultivation of innovation spirit through continuous practice and experience accumulation, thereby enhancing entrepreneurial performance (EP). This study aims to explore the impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation on the Entrepreneurial Performance of SMEs, clarify the mediating role of Entrepreneurial Action Learning between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Entrepreneurial Performance, and investigate the variability of Entrepreneurial Performance among different industries. By means of data collection from 598 SMEs, data analysis was conducted using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The analysis results indicate that entrepreneurial orientation has a positive impact on entrepreneurial action learning and entrepreneurial performance, and entrepreneurial action learning has a positive impact on entrepreneurial performance. The study also found that entrepreneurial action learning partially mediates the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial performance. There are certain differences in entrepreneurial performance among different industries. This study enriches the relevant literature in the field of entrepreneurship. Additionally, research on entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial action learning, and entrepreneurial performance in specific regional contexts is very limited, making this study valuable for subsequent research in related areas.


entrepreneurial orientation; entrepreneurial action learning; entrepreneurial performance; SMEs; mediation effect

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