From mills to millets, the mediating role of regiocentrism on materialism: Augmenting the theory of planned behavior

Shivam Joshi, Anita Sengar, Atri Nautiyal, Anil Prakash Joshi, Rakesh Kumar

Article ID: 4297
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


The United Nations General Assembly declared 2023 the “International Year of Millets” in order to promote millet cultivation, consumption, and conservation. Millets play an important role in food security, livelihoods, and biodiversity. Despite its numerous benefits, millet cultivation and consumption in Uttarakhand have declined due to a variety of constraints. This paper examines the effects of regiocentrism and materialism on intention towards Uttarakhand’s regional food products (millets). It employs PLS-SEM to investigate relationships between latent variables and generate results on a sample of 460 participants. This study elucidates the intricate interplay between materialism, regiocentrism, and intention towards regional food products in the Himalayan region, enriching the theory of planned behavior (TPB) with a nuanced understanding of personal values and regional identity. It reveals materialism’s positive association with attitudes towards regional food products, suggesting materialistic individuals may view these products as status symbols, thus affecting behavioral intentions. Additionally, the research highlights regiocentrism’s dual influence—enhancing attitudes yet deterring purchase intentions—underscoring the complexity of regional pride in consumer decision-making. These findings advance TPB by integrating broader value systems and cultural context, offering significant theoretical and practical insights for promoting sustainable consumption patterns.


millets; regiocentrism; materialism; TPB; PLS-SEM

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