Combination of spatial dimensions and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (F-AHP) for efficient selection of potential industrial zone in the Northern West Java, Indonesia
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024
Industrial zones require careful and meticulous planning because industry can have a major impact on the surrounding environment. The research location is the northern part of West Java Province which is a gold triangle area named Rebana Triangle Area. The purpose of this study is to measure the weight of the research variables in determining industrial zones from the results of fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (F-AHP) analysis, assessing the location of industrial zones in the research area based on important variables in determining industrial zones. The result of this study is the weight of the research variables in determining the industrial zone from the results of the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (F-AHP) analysis obtained is the availability of electrical infrastructure with an influence weight of 15.00%. The second most influential factor is the availability of telecommunications infrastructure with an effect of 13.02%, the distance of land to roads and access of 11.76%, land use of 11.21%, distance of land to public facilities of 9.99%, labour cost work is 9.60%, the distance of land to the river is 8.19%, the price of land is 7.97%, the slope is 6.79%, and the type of soil is 6.43%. This GIS analysis model can be a reference model for the government in determining the potential of industrial zones in other regions in Indonesia. A total of 4822.41 Ha or the equivalent of 3.50% of the total area of 6 (six) regencies/cities research areas which are very suitable to be used as industrial zones. The district that has the largest area of potential industrial zone is Majalengka, while Cirebon does not have a location that has the potential for industrial zone locations. Based on the results of the analysis of 10 (ten) variables for determining industrial zones from expert opinion, a draft policy proposal for the government can be proposed, among others. These 10 (ten) variables are variables that are expected to be mandatory variables in planning and determining the location of potential industrial areas.
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