Design-driven external analysis: A framework for adaptation and innovation in digitally native enterprises

Francesc Font-Cot, Pablo Lara-Navarra, Enric Serradell-López, Alessandro Manetti

Article ID: 4173
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024


Analysing external factors with a design-thinking approach is crucial for adaptation, identifying opportunities, and mitigating risks in native digital enterprises. This research introduces a framework rooted in design principles and future scenarios for external analysis, with the aim of meeting current market needs. The study employs a mixed qualitative-quantitative research approach, incorporating methods such as literature review, workshops, and surveys. These methods enable the collection and analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data, providing a comprehensive and accurate understanding of the research topic by using it in a DNVB case study. Developing a conceptual framework using a design-thinking approach which we call ASPECT contributes to a comprehensive interpretation of complexity, intertwining collective and individual factors. This reduces the risk of overlooking essential elements when making strategic decisions in ambiguous, uncertain, and volatile contexts. This method contrasts with traditional external analysis frameworks like CAME, Pestle, and SWOT. The document aims to contribute to the literature by exploring new models of external analysis based on the design process. This framework combines the conventional stages of a design thinking process with methodologies for future scenarios to identify relevant external factors for organizations. It provides an innovative conceptual framework for creating new business models and growth strategies for digital enterprises.


business model; external analysis; trends; innovation; design thinking; digital business; SDG 9

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