Community-Based disaster mitigation and its challenge: A case study in Pangandaran coastal area, Indonesia
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024
This paper aims to shed light on community-based disaster mitigation and the challenges encountered by using the Pangandaran coast as a case study, one of Indonesia’s disaster-prone areas. Observations, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies were used to collect data. The findings of this study indicate that community-based disaster mitigation is well realized, as evidenced by community early preparedness forums collaborating with the government to provide socialization and education to the community. However, disaster preparedness still faces challenges, including; since some of the mitigation objects are tourists, mitigation efforts need to be carried out sustainably while not following the budget they have; mitigation support devices and facilities such as damaged or missing signs for evacuation routes, temporary shelters, assembly point locations, and Early Warning System (EWS) devices whose number is still not optimal; lack of participation of hotels or restaurants in disaster mitigation, especially in engaging in preventive actions to minimize disaster risk. This situation is a challenge in itself for disaster mitigation management, moreover, Pangandaran Village must maintain its status as a “Tsunami Ready” village.
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