Measuring the consumer’s choice for edible cutlery: A sustainable lifestyle perspective

K. G. Sofi Dinesh, Suddhachit Mitra, Gyanendra Singh Sisodia, Oluwatobi A. Ogunmokun, Yogita Abichandani, Poonam Kumar

Article ID: 4072
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024


Edible cutlery is a safe alternative that, if adopted, can act as a panacea to plastic pollution. Consumers who believe in a lifestyle of health and sustainability (LOHAS) can motivate others by taking the lead in this direction. This study has explored the psychological variables associated with LOHAS consumers in conjunction with the product attributes of edible cutlery to check whether these variables can influence lifestyle of health and sustainability (LOHAS) consumers to adopt edible cutlery. An empirical study on 210 LOHAS consumers using Partial Least Squares Structure Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) and Importance Performance Matrix Analyses (IPMA) showed that social consciousness and subjective norms motivate them to adopt edible cutlery in restaurants. This finding has an implication for hospitality businesses using edible cutlery that can target LOHAS consumers with strategies that affect their social consciousness and subjective norm belief for better adoption intentions.


LOHAS; social consciousness; edible cutlery; authenticity; subjective norm; IPMA

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