Firm specifics, trade liberalization outcomes, and export intensity with the moderating role of location advantages—Empirical evidence from Vietnam

Quy Vo, Tin Ho, Hien Bui, Khoa Le

Article ID: 3981
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 14 (Abstract) 11 (PDF)


Vietnam has experienced an impressive period of economic growth since implementing an export-oriented economic policy. Vietnam’s international economic integration is deepening, and the output of the export sector has been continuously improved with a double-digit growth rate in recent years, especially in Ho Chi Minh City. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to study the impact of trade liberalization on export intensity of Vietnamese exporters as well as the moderating role of the location. In this study, data was collected from 80 exporters listing in Vietnam stock markets from 2007 to 2022. Further, regression test was carried out by applying GMM model. The results show that trade liberalization outcomes have a positive impact on export intensity. We, however, do not find enough evidence of the moderating effect of the location factor. These findings support Resource-based View theory, and trade liberalization policy. The findings imply that Vietnam government should continue to implement trade liberalization policy to support export sector growth.


trade liberalization; location advantages; export intensity; Ho Chi Minh City; Vietnam

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