Unlocking proactivity at work: Exploring the mediating role of green motivation between managerial coaching in training programmes and employee green behaviour

Nur Izzaty Mohamad, Ishak Abd Rahman, Haslin Hasan, Soliha Sanusi

Article ID: 3973
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


Managerial coaching in training programs is an important management style that fosters effective communication between immediate supervisors and employees in sustainable organizations. This study assesses the relationship between managerial coaching in training programmes, green motivation and employee green behaviour. A questionnaire was used to collect data from employees across various positions in five public organisations in Malaysia. SmartPLS software was employed to evaluate the measurement model, structural model and test research hypotheses. The SmartPLS path model analysis results reveal that the influence of managerial coaching in training programmes on employee green behaviour is indirectly affected by green motivation. The study’s findings suggest that consistent implementation of managerial coaching in training programmes by immediate supervisors managing training activities can instigate green motivation in employees, subsequently motivating them to enhance their green behaviour. These findings provide valuable insights for practitioners, helping them understand the nuances of green motivation in training programmes and develop strategic action plans to enhance managerial coaching in training programmes. It, in turn, contributes to achieving and sustaining organisational goals and strategies in the era of globalisation and the knowledge-based economy.


employee; green behaviour; green motivation; managerial coaching; training programmes

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i7.3973


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