Human resource management practices and employee retention: Job satisfaction as a mediator in Malaysia’s information technology (IT) industry

Asokan Vasudevan, E. Swee Yong, Anbalagan Krishnan, Rajani Balakrishnan, Sriganeshvarun Nagaraj, Navaneethakrishnan Kengatharan, Aishath Waheeda

Article ID: 3966
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


This study investigates the impact of human resource management (HRM) practices on employee retention and job satisfaction within Malaysia’s IT industry. The research centered on middle-management executives from the top 10 IT companies in the Greater Klang Valley and Penang. Using a self-administered questionnaire, the study gathered data on demographic characteristics, HRM practices, and employee retention, with the questionnaire design drawing from established literature and validated measuring scales. The study employed the PLS 4.0 method for analyzing structural relationships and tested various hypotheses regarding HRM practices and employee retention. Key findings revealed that work-life balance did not significantly impact employee retention. Conversely, job security positively influenced employee retention. Notably, rewards, recognition, and training and development were found to be insignificant in predicting employee retention. Additionally, the study explored the mediating role of job satisfaction but found it did not mediate the relationship between work-life balance and employee retention nor between job security and employee retention. The research highlighted that HRM practices have diverse effects on employee retention in Malaysia’s IT sector. Acknowledging limitations like sample size and research design, the study suggests the need for further research to deepen understanding in this area.


work-life balance; rewards; recognition; training and development; job security; job satisfaction

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