Sustainable vocational education models for industrial revolution role in development of job market absorption in Tangerang City, Indonesia

Arief Rachadiono Wismansyah, Abdul Rahman Kadir, Sumbangan Baja, Muhammad Yunus Amar

Article ID: 3958
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024


The study’s objective is to identify the challenges and limitations faced by the current vocational education system in preparing graduates in the era of the industrial revolution in the evolving job market in Tangerang, Indonesia. The study primarily examines vocational high schools and adopts a quantitative and quasi-experimental research approach, using control groups to conduct pre- and posttests. The experimental group experiences demonstrations, whereas the control group receives explanations. Instructors employ a blend of demonstration and explanation techniques to explain equipment operation before allowing students to engage in vocational training. The study, led by students in various engineering fields, evaluates technical competencies, work ethics, and foundational knowledge using tests and observations. Job preparation is assessed using the minimal completeness criteria (MCC), which focuses on the importance of proper knowledge, attitudes, and skills. The results indicate that vocational teachers have the potential to play a pivotal role in introducing cutting-edge, technology-based teaching methods, therefore enabling students to make well-informed decisions about their careers. This research enhances vocational education by incorporating practical skills and attitudes with academic knowledge, effectively addressing the changing requirements of the work market.


sustainable; industrial revolution; job market; minimal completeness criteria; Indonesia

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