Intellectual capital in accounting and auditing: Assessing the alignment of continuous professional development programs with emerging skills

Kanyarat (Lek) Sanoran, Kingkamol Singhasomboon

Article ID: 3927
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024

VIEWS - 482 (Abstract)


This study aims to investigate the alignment of emerging skills and competencies with Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programs in the accounting and auditing professions. The research focuses on enhancing the intellectual capital within these sectors, as dictated by the demands of the modern knowledge economy. Employing the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) framework of emerging skills for professional services, a comprehensive content analysis is conducted. This involves reviewing 1009 learning outcomes across 248 CPD courses offered by the global professional accounting body. The analysis reveals that while the existing courses cover all WEF-identified skills, there is an unaddressed requirement for a specialized focus on specific competencies. The study also notes gaps in clearly articulated learning outcomes, highlighting the need for more explicit statements to facilitate effective skills development and knowledge transfer. This research contributes to the ongoing discourse on intellectual capital management strategies, providing actionable recommendations for professional organizations. It fills a critical gap in understanding how CPD offerings can be optimized to better prepare accounting and auditing professionals for the evolving knowledge economy.


intellectual capital; accounting; auditing; skills; continuous professional development; CPD

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