Enhancing donor engagement: Assessing the impact of online donation convenience on the willingness to donate to non-profit organizations

Chia-Yen Lin, Hsing-Hua Hsiung

Article ID: 3925
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024


The competition for financial support among non-profit organizations (NPOs) has been intense for quite some time. It is crucial for these organizations to boost their competitive edge by gaining a deep understanding of donor behavior and fostering ongoing interactions with them. In today’s world, where convenience and efficiency are highly valued, factors such as the timing and location of donations can deter potential donors from contributing. Rigid and inconvenient donation methods can also hinder the donation process. As a result, this study aims to explore the role of convenience within the donation process, specifically investigating whether the convenience of online donation platforms provided by non-profit organizations significantly influences donors’ propensity to make contributions. This research differentiates the range of services offered by non-profit organizations and employs a questionnaire survey to examine the websites of the NPOs. A total of 466 valid responses were gathered. The empirical findings indicate that donors prioritize simplicity and speed in the online donation process. Additionally, donors prefer websites where they can easily locate necessary information and various details about the donation process, with relevant links that minimize time waste and complexity in navigating the website. The study also reveals that the convenience factor significantly influences donation behavior. Based on these insights, the study offers recommendations for non-profit organizations on how to provide donor-centric services by focusing on the aspects of convenience that donors value most in the donation process.


non-profit organizations; online donation; convenience; donor behavior

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i5.3925


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