Examination of emergency assembly areas based on planning criteria after the two major earthquakes on 6 February, 2023: A case study from Turkey

Yasin Bektaş, Gamze Doğan

Article ID: 3917
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


This study aimed to examine the compliance of post-disaster emergency assembly areas with their planning criteria in the Battalgazi district of Malatya province. This district is one of the settlements that was most affected by the two big earthquakes that occurred in Türkiye on 6 February 2023. The emergency assembly areas were evaluated qualitatively based on the criterion of “appropriateness”, with the sub-variables of “usability”, “accessibility”, and “safety”. They were also evaluated quantitatively based on the criterion of “adequacy” with the sub-variable “per capita m2”. There are a total of 103 neighborhoods in the district. However, there are only eight emergency assembly areas in total within its boundaries. According to the results of this study, only 7.5% of the current population of the district resides within 500 m of the emergency assembly areas. The fact that four emergency assembly areas (Hürriyet Park, Şehit Kemal Özalper High School, the Community Garden, Battalgazi Municipality) are situated next to each other and there are emergency assembly areas in only six of the 103 neighborhoods within the municipal boundaries shows that were significant problems in the decisions made regarding their locations. In addition, it was determined that there were disadvantages in terms of accessibility and usability within the criterion of appropriateness, while there were some positive aspects in terms of safety. When examined with regard to the criterion of adequacy, it was determined that the emergency assembly areas at Mişmiş Park, the Community Garden, Battalgazi Municipality, and Şehit Kemal Özalper High School were most adequate, while the emergency assembly areas at Hürriyet Park, Fırat Neighborhood Mukhtar, Nevzat Er Park, and 100 Yıl İmam Hatip Secondary School were least adequate.


earthquake risk; emergency assembly area; planning criteria; urban planning; Türkiye

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i7.3917


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