Relationship between open innovation and innovation performance within high-tech firms: The mediating role of knowledge management capability

Jie Wu, Suprawin Nachiangmai

Article ID: 3887
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024


In the current competitive global marketplace, innovation is key for high-tech firms to thrive. Open innovation offers a promising approach, but its effectiveness remains unclear. Therefore, this research explored the connection between open innovation, knowledge management capability, and innovation performance within high-tech firms. We used a mediation approach to highlight the central role of knowledge management capability in the relationship between open innovation and innovation performance. We used a survey questionnaire approach to collect data from the 462 employees of high-tech firms on open innovation, knowledge management capability, and innovation performance using a convenient sampling technique. We used partial least square structural equations modeling through PLS-SEM statistics. Results indicated that open innovation has a direct, positive and significant connection with innovation performance. Similarly, the current research serves as a pioneering exploration into mediation analysis, highlighting the mediating role of knowledge management capability that influences the relationship between open innovation and innovation performance. Empirical studies offer valuable insights for leaders of high-tech firms, guiding them to identify effective knowledge management practices and determine the ideal extent of open innovation to boost innovation performance. The current study reveals novel insights into the benefits of knowledge management capability in enhancing open innovation efforts within firms. This research provides valuable implications and future research directions.


open innovation; knowledge management capability; innovation performance; high-tech companies

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