New development strategy of international logistics supply chain: Case study of Ningbo City

Junjie Cai, Ismawati Sharkawi, Shairil Izwan Taasim

Article ID: 3847
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024


International logistics supply chain is an important guarantee to support the country to build a new development pattern, this paper aims to propose a new strategy to promote the development of international logistics supply chain through the case study of Ningbo City. On the basis of supply chain theory and international logistics theory, this paper constructs SWOT model to study the case of Ningbo City, and draws the following conclusions: The international logistics supply chain of Ningbo city has the advantages of superior geographical location, perfect logistics infrastructure and strong port resources, and the disadvantages of low logistics informatization level and logistics management mode to be optimized. At the same time, it faces the opportunities of “One Belt and One Road” initiative and the competitive threat of other logistics centers. Adopting strategies such as policy support, strengthening logistics informatization construction and optimizing logistics management mode can ensure the stable development of foreign trade, which is conducive to accelerating the construction of a new development pattern and modern economic system in which domestic and foreign cycles promote each other.


Ningbo City; international logistics; supply chain; SWOT model

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