Critical evaluation of disruptive transportation in Indonesia
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024
This study analyzes the highly disruptive transportation business in Indonesia. The purpose of observation is to completely synthesize disruptive transportation that causes bad externalities in society. Data sources come from primary data of interviews and secondary data of related literature. The research method uses critical qualitative with a combination of in-depth interviews with several stakeholders. Key findings suggest that trust, consistency, capital ownership and proximity of new entrants to incumbents are important in disruptive innovation processes, empirical implications that transportation in Indonesia has undergone a definite economic shift. The results showed that although the government has publicly expressed its full support for any individual who will develop a business in the digital economy model, it is not effective enough to be consistent in the transportation business. Policy recommendations include adaptive training incentive programs for incumbent groups and accelerated funding assistance for new entrant groups, in addition to strengthening active collaboration between the government and the private sector is urgently needed.
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