Problems of the transition of the Ukrainian economy to a “green economy” based on sustainable technological change

Yukhymenko Pttro, Batazhok Svitlana, Rybak Nadiia, Tkachenko Olha, Bilyk Olha, Panasiuk Viktoriia, Prykhodko Tamara

Article ID: 3561
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024


The article reveals the problems of the transition to a “green” economy based on sustainable technological changes, which are caused by global ecological pollution of the ecosystem, which leads to warming and ecological changes and the insufficiency of the natural resource potential to meet the needs of the population of the planet, which does not contribute to development. The essence of the study is to determine the impact of a green economy on economic growth and development, in which natural assets continue to provide resources and environmental services. It is shown that the green economy provides a practical and flexible approach to achieving concrete, measurable progress in all its economic and environmental principles, while at the same time fully taking into account the social consequences of greening the dynamics of economic growth. Green economy strategies aim to ensure that natural assets can fully realize their economic potential in a sustainable manner. This potential includes the provision of vital life support services—clean air and water, as well as the sustainable biodiversity needed to support food production and human health. Natural assets cannot be replaced indefinitely, so the policy of the green economy should take this into account. It is characterized that the green economy provides a practical and flexible approach to achieving concrete, measurable progress in all its economic and environmental principles, while at the same time fully taking into account the social consequences of greening the dynamics of economic growth. The problems of the post-war revival of Ukraine’s economy are systematized and proposals for their solution are substantiated, which is the scientific contribution of the authors to the coverage of this problem. The global problems of the transition to a green economy, which are closely related to Ukrainian realities, are revealed. The practical content is determined by the fact that the theoretical and methodological provisions, conclusions and scientific and practical recommendations constitute the scientific basis for the development of a new holistic concept of the development of the green economy of Ukraine. The conclusions that it is the “green” economy that is able to most closely link the ecological and economic aspects of the national economy, acting as a key direction for ensuring the sustainable “green” development of the region and the state as a whole, actualize the prospects of creating a green economy in Ukraine and become necessary and quite achievable in the post-war period.


green economy; circular economy; green technologies; innovation activity; bioeconomy; consumption; biomonitoring; sustainable development

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