Analysis of the influence of poverty, human development index, and unemployment on economic growth in the regency/city of Gorontalo Province: 2012–2021 study
Vol 8, Issue 4, 2024
The low economic growth of Gorontalo province and the smallest PDRB ADHK in Indonesia are the reasons why this research needs to be carried out to look at the influence of the number of poor people, human development index and unemployment on economic growth in the districts/cities of Gorontolo Province, as a result, there is a mismatch between empirical and theoretical, this research was conducted to fill the information gap on how the three variables influence economic growth, This research was conducted to determine the effect of the number of poor people, the human development index. and unemployment on economic growth, research population data on the number of poor people, HDI, Unemployment, Economic growth, the sampling technique of this research is non-probability sampling, where the full sampling method is applied, Gorontalo Province with six regencies/cities is sampled in this research, with data taken in 2012–2021, the data analysis technique uses panel data regression, with three-panel data model estimates namely CEM, FEM, REM and model selection techniques, Chow test, Hausmant Test and Lagrange multiplie equipped with classical assumption tests and T hypothesis tests and F, the research Finding show that the number of poor people in the Regency/City of Gorontalo Province does not have a significant effect on economic growth in Gorontalo Province. Rice, which is the staple food for the people of Gorontalo, apart from rice, the high level of cigarette consumption among the people of Gorontalo, apparently also has an impact. large impact on the increase in the number of poor people, the human development index in the Regency/City of Gorontalo Province has a significant influence on the economic growth of Gorontalo Province where every increase that occurs in the HDI results in an increase in economic growth in Gorontalo Province, thirdly, the open unemployment rate in the Regency/City of Gorontalo Province does not have a significant effect on the economic growth of Gorontalo Province, conclusion of this research is only HDI affects economic growth in Gorontalo.
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