Digital technology adoption for village public administration—Evidence from Indonesia

Tunggul Sihombing, Roy Deddy Hasiholan Lumbantobing

Article ID: 3444
Vol 8, Issue 4, 2024

VIEWS - 476 (Abstract) 320 (PDF)


Village administration in Indonesia has changed its scope and operation with the integration of digital technology into public services at various levels. These conditions prompt questions about the successful digital transformation of public administration services. Digital transformation encompasses not only technological aspects but also socio-cultural factors. This paper reports the study related to implementing ICT-based applications in village administration policy in Indonesia. The study involved 315 village officials from 167 villages in 16 sub-districts within Toba district, North Sumatera province. A village administration software prototype was developed and introduced to the villages’ officials during the study. This study aims to gain insights from the officials’ response regarding digital technology-supported village administration. The research revealed that many village officials must gain the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct administrative tasks digitally, as they still rely on traditional, non-digitized methods. Recommendations include increased support and assistance from the Regency Government to help villages understand and implement digital administration and capacity-building activities to familiarize village officials with ICT advancements. The study also found that digital transformation in village administration remains challenging, with digitization and digitalization processes often overlooked. Addressing these challenges requires additional training and improved infrastructure availability. Finally, we propose a conceptual model of digital transformation for public administration at village level as generic components for digital implementation of village administration.


village administrative; public administration; village fund; e-governance

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