Analysis and forecasting of the sacral tourism potential of Kazakhstan with a time series analysis

Amina Uaisova, Aliya Yeleussinova, Gulnash Askhat, Al Fauzi Rahmat, Lóránt Dénes Dávid

Article ID: 3435
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024


The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of tourist resources, conditions and opportunities of sacral tourism in Kazakhstan using panel data (time series and cross-sectional) regression analysis for a sample of 14 regions of Kazakhstan observed over the period from 2004 to 2022. The article presents an overview of modern methods of assessment of the tourist and recreational potential of sacral tourism, as used by national and foreign scientific works. The main focus is on the method of estimating the size and effectiveness of the tourist potential, which reflects the realization and volume of tourist resources and their potential. The overall results show a significant positive effect in that the strongest impact on the increase in the number of tourist residents is the proposed infrastructure and the readiness of regions to receive tourists qualitatively. This study is expected to be of value to firm managers, investors, researchers, and regulators in decision- making at different levels of government.


sacral tourism; sacred objects; cultural tourism; estimation methodology; tourism infrastructure; time series analysis; Kazakhstan

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