The trends in contemporary authoritarian leadership studies: A bibliometric data analysis
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024
VIEWS - 1477 (Abstract)
The study of authoritarian leadership has undergone significant development, with researchers exploring its different dimensions and consequences. This leadership style, characterized by a top-down approach and centralized decision-making authority, has been extensively examined in psychology, organizational behavior, and management literature. Scholars have delved into the effects of authoritarian leadership on various aspects of organizations such as employee satisfaction, motivation levels, productivity rates, turnover rates, and team dynamics. The research landscape surrounding authoritarian leadership has witnessed a recent surge in interest as scholars strive to understand its intricate connections with different variables. The primary objective of this study is to conduct a comprehensive bibliometric analysis on authoritarian leadership, aiming to identify the key research areas, influential authors, prominent journals in the field, and citation patterns. To our knowledge, no bibliometric analysis on authoritarian leadership can be found in the Scopus database, highlighting the novelty of our research. Through a source-based examination of scholarly articles and their citations pertaining to authoritarian leadership, this analysis offers valuable insights into the current state of research in this domain. By focusing on publications from the past decade onwards, we aim to uncover trends and potential gaps within existing literature while also providing guidance for future research endeavors. Our research findings will provide valuable insights into the phenomenon of authoritarian leadership, contributing to a deeper understanding of its implications. By delving into this topic, we hope to pave the way for future studies and investigations in this field that can build upon our findings and expand knowledge even further.
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