Culture and law enforcement influence on m-government adoption: An exploratory study

Ahmed Althunibat, Hend AlNuhait, Sally Almanasra, Mohmmad Husien Almajali, Emran Aljarrah, Haneen A. Al-Khawaja

Article ID: 3353
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024

VIEWS - 712 (Abstract) 487 (PDF)


In an era characterized by technological advancement and innovation, the emergence of Electronic Government (e-Government) and Mobile Government (m-Government) represents significant developments. Previous studies have explored acceptance models in this domain. This research presents a novel acceptance model tailored to the context of m-Government adoption in Jordan, integrating the Information System (IS) Success Factor Model, Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory, and considerations for law enforcement factors. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the strategies for promoting and enhancing the adoption of m-Government applications within Jordanian society. Data collection involved the distribution of 203 electronic questionnaires, with subsequent analysis conducted using SPSS. The findings reveal the acceptance and significance of three hypotheses: Information Quality, Service Quality, and Power Distance. Additionally, the study incorporates the influence of Law Enforcement factors, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted determinants shaping the adoption of m-Government services in Jordan.


e-Government; m-Government; mobile services; (IS) success factor model; Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Theory; law enforcement

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