Food Waste Management Strategies suitable for households as sustainable food
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024
VIEWS - 750 (Abstract)
Lack of knowledge, attitude, and behavior in managing leftover foods in households impacts the natural ecosystem and food chain, particularly in developing countries. This research aims to analyze appropriate methods for reducing and processing food waste produced in household areas. This research method uses qualitative research with operational research methods carried out for 6 months on 25 housewives in Pondok Labu Village in South Jakarta, Indonesia. The research was carried out in 3 stages, the first stage before the intervention, the second stage providing the intervention, and the third stage after the intervention. Results showed that before the intervention, on average each respondent produced 351 g of food waste each day. This amount decreased to 8.43 g/day after respondents participated in socialization to reduce food waste and training to manage food waste. The concluded that a combination of education and training improves knowledge, attitude, and behavior in household food waste management and helps moderate food waste generation.
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