Servant leadership, environmental passion and workplace green behavior in higher education institutions
Vol 8, Issue 3, 2024
VIEWS - 1950 (Abstract)
Sketching on stimulus-organism-response theory, this study aims to investigate the mediating effect of environmental passion on the relationship of the environmentally specific servant leadership with employees’ green behavior. Using purposive sampling approach, the authors adopted one month time-lagged approach to collected data from 232 academic employees in higher education institutions of China. Response rate in this study is 46.40%. The partial least-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis was conducted in the smartpls 4.0 software to test the proposed hypotheses. The current empirical findings confirm that environmentally specific servant leadership significantly positively influence employee’s environmental passion and environmental passion significantly positively affects the employee’s workplace green behaviors. This current finding offered support in favor of mediating impact of environmental passion on the “environmentally specific servant leadership-employees workplace green behaviors” relationship. To the best of authors, this study is among pioneers’ studies to investigate the integrated relationship of environmentally specific servant leadership, environmental passion and green behavior in higher education institutions context of China. Limitations and implication have been elaborated at the end.
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