Young muslim generation’s preferences for using digital platforms for Zakat payments: A cross-country study of Indonesia and Malaysia
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024
The young Muslim generation’s embracing digital platforms for Zakat payments represents a dynamic fusion of enduring religious values with the modern digital landscape, heralding a new era in Islamic charitable practices. This trend illustrates a profound transformation within the Islamic world, where the pillars of faith are being reimagined and revitalized through the lens of technological advancement. The present study delved into the factors influencing the young Muslim generation’s preference for digital platforms in Zakat transactions across Indonesia and Malaysia. We examined variables such as Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Trust, Zakat Literacy, and Digital Infrastructure, aiming to discern their impact on the propensity for digital Zakat contributions with the extension of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model. The research encompassed a diverse sample of 382 participants and utilized advanced methodologies, specifically Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) and PLS Multi Group Analysis (PLS-MGA), for rigorous data analysis. The results indicated that Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Digital Infrastructure, and Zakat Literacy notably influenced the use of digital platforms for Zakat. Furthermore, PLS-MGA uncovered significant cross-country differences where Digital Infrastructure showed a more pronounced positive impact in Malaysian context, whereas Social Influence had a greater effect in Indonesia. These findings offer critical insights into the young Muslim community’s digital engagement for religious financial obligations, underscoring the need for tailored digital Zakat solutions that cater to the unique preferences of this demographic. This research not only enriches the understanding of digital adoption in religious practices but also challenges the notion of a universal approach, advocating for context-specific strategies in the realm of digital religious financial services. Future researchers are suggested to consider longitudinal investigations as well as examining cross-regional contexts in this realm of research.
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