The impact of urban design on mental well-being by integrating green spaces in Doha City, Qatar

Shikha Patel, Nour Jabbour, Deepthi John, Ahmad M. Ahmad, Raffaello Furlan, Rashid Al-Matwi, Rima J. Isaifan

Article ID: 3147
Vol 8, Issue 3, 2024


The fields of urban design and public health play an important role in the success and failure of the city. Research combining the two fields to improve citizens’ lives is rare, particularly in a rapidly developing city like Doha. This study highlights the urban planning efforts of the municipality of Doha city to improve the mental health of its citizens and aims to understand the impact of urban design elements on mental health by analyzing the physical form and characteristics of green urban areas in Doha. The methods employed include an observational study and a structured survey interview, where visitors’ responses to selected green urban areas are analyzed. The results show how Doha officials are working to improve the mental health of its citizens by providing accessible, child-friendly, older citizen-friendly, and equitable green urban spaces and suggesting policies that could provide more opportunities for people and the government to provide a healthier environment in Doha. The implications encompass shaping urban design strategies, raising public awareness, enhancing healthcare initiatives, and ultimately emphasizing the positive impact of well-designed green spaces for mental well-being in Doha and other Gulf countries.


green spaces; mental health; urban design; Doha; Qatar; accessibility; safety; physical exercise

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