Toward sustainable development: Green economy with economic growth and carbon emission in Vietnam

Pham Xuan Bach, Phan The Cong

Article ID: 3111
Vol 8, Issue 3, 2024

VIEWS - 1261 (Abstract) 479 (PDF)


Transitioning to a green economy is a global concern, considered a pathway to sustainable development. This paper aims to investigate the effect of the transition into a green economy on Vietnam’s sustainable development and its two economic and environmental dimensions, with consideration of several essential issues including renewable energy, technological innovation, natural resource rents (oils, forest, and minerals), foreign direct investment, and trade. This paper utilizes data from 1996 to 2020 and then applies the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) method for analysis. The results conclude that renewable energy is a driving key to reducing environmental degradation, but it hampers economic growth, while the contrast occurs with technology. Our results emphasize the dependence on non-renewable energy, whereas the innovation of technology does not show a green orientation in Vietnam. Furthermore, there is a lack of sustainability in the effect of natural resource rents, foreign direct investment, and trade. Overall, the transition into a green economy in Vietnam does not illustrate the sustainable orientation. The findings of this research provide empirical evidence to clarify the relationship between this transition and its driving factor, with sustainable development and the two economic environment dimensions. In addition, this study will bring worthwhile implications for the policymakers and scholars on whether the transition to a green economy fulfills the orientation towards sustainability, then enhancing the economy's efficiency to achieve green growth, following the pathway to sustainable development.


transitioning; green economy; sustainable development; renewable energy; technological innovation; natural resource rents

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