Stakeholders analysis of tourism governance in Dalegan beach ecotourism, East Java, Indonesia
Vol 8, Issue 3, 2024
This study was conducted to examine the roles of interconnected stakeholders based on power and interests in Ecotourism Management Policy for Dalegan Beach, Gresik Regency, Indonesia using a qualitative method. Data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions with stakeholders. Furthermore, the identification of stakeholders interest in ecotourism development was based on the strengths, important positions, and influence of stakeholders categorized into several groups. The results showed that there were three categories of stakeholders, namely Main, Supporting, and Key. In the Village Government, Dalegan Beach Tourism Manager acted as a key player and the local community had the main role. Additionally, East Java Province Maritime and Fisheries Service, Gresik Regency Tourism and Creative Economy Office, Culture, Youth and Sports Office, Gresik Regency Public Works and Spatial Planning Service, and Commanditaire Vennotschaap Mahera (CV Mahera), the landowner, were recognized for lacking direct inclusion in policy matters. Different influences were reported on the legal decisions of the government to offer insights to policymakers in tourism governance. Subsequent study could examine the conflicts of interest among stakeholders.
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