Comparative advantage of Num-mango industry in Vinh Long, Vietnam
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024
The main objective of this study was comparative advantages analysis at social price of Num-mango in the export channels. The examination of the domestic resource cost per shadow exchange rate (DRC/SER) ratio provides insights into the comparative advantage of the trading system in the Num-mango industry. A comprehensive study was conducted, with a total of 317 observations, with a specific emphasis on the significant individuals in Vinh Long, Vietnam. The comparative advantage of the Num-mango commerce system was inferred from a DRC/SER ratio below one, which may be attributed to the existence of two distinct export channels. The DRC/SER in export channel 1 exhibited values of 0.55, 0.67, and 0.53 over the three seasons. In season 1, export channel 2 had a score of 0.42, which then was 0.79 in season 2. The value of export channel 2 had a consistent upward trend during season 3, reaching its highest point of 0.3. It is recommended that regulators and governments provide export-focused incentives that prioritize the maximum comparative advantage. This study examines the concept of comparative advantage within export supply chains, specifically in relation to a diverse selection of tropical fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, it provides empirical evidence that supports the applicability and reliability of the Ricardian model.
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