Examining the impact of urban built environment on sport participation: Development of a conceptual framework

Troy T. Zhao, Yufei Bai, James J. Zhang

Article ID: 3069
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024


Increasing populations in cities have created challenges for the urban environment and also public health. Today, lacking sport participation opportunities in urban settings is a global concern. This study conceptualizes and develops a theoretical framework that identifies factors associated with effective urban built environments that help shape and reshape residents’ attitude toward sport activities and enhances their participation. Based on a comprehensive review of literature and by following the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) theory and attitude change theory, a four-factor measurement model is proposed for studying urban built environment, including Availability, Accessibility, Design, and Safety. Further examinations are made on how these factors are channeled to transform residents’ attitudes and behavior associated with participating in sport activities, with Affordability as a moderator. Discussions are centered around the viability of the developed framework and its application for future research investigations.


urban development; built environment; city communities; sport participation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i5.3069


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