Service digitalization innovation model as development strategy and policy at Bank NTT Indonesia
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024
The research aims to examine East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) bank service digitalization innovations and examine several implications of bank service digitalization innovations. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques: in-depth interviews, documentation, and focused discussions. The key informants in this research were the board of commissioners, directors, division heads, and NTT bank employees. The findings of this research are, first, the existence of an existing/generic model in the operational, supporting, and monitoring fields of NTT banks. Second, there is an innovation model for digitizing services and efforts to popularize the digitization of NTT bank services to the government-private sector, including micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), religious institutions, educational institutions, students and students as well as the broader community to provide easy access to sources of financing for the community, Eliminate regional tax leakage, encourage the development of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and assisted village farmers/breeders, provide entrepreneurial opportunities for the community, namely as a digital agent for NTT bank, minimize fraudulent behavior (shirking) in credit distribution. Third, service digitalization innovation uses a contextual sociolinguistic approach because it incorporates local and global vocabulary such as Bpung Mobile, Bpung Farmer, Lopo Dia Bisa, and Bpinjam. Fourth, service digitalization innovation refers to OJK regulations regarding banking digital transformation contained in RP 21 and PBI number 23/26/2021. Fifth, conventional services (hybrid approach) still accompany the digitalization innovation model. Sixth, Bank NTT is in quadrant III, namely growth. Bank NTT continuously optimizes existing resources by taking advantage of opportunities to increase business growth and continues to mitigate threats into opportunities and strengths. The implications of the innovation in digitizing NTT bank services include updating standard operating procedures (SOP), changing corporate culture from Flobamora to Bintang, and accelerating the increase in human capital capacity. The implications of research on bank management refer to the innovation of procurement of new IT systems. Banks can increase their attention to service quality and maintain customer trust to maintain the quality of digital banks among customers. Moreover, with post-COVID-19 conditions that require people to make digital transactions. With the changes in the financial industry towards digitalization, it is necessary to strengthen risk management in financial service institutions. The implications of the research results for policymakers need to be considered in the transformation towards digital banking related to equitable internet access in Indonesia, cybersecurity, and employment. Recommendations for future research are the importance of studying the determinants of digital service innovation in bank services, such as transformational leadership style, good corporate governance, and organizational commitment.
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