Policy for handling air pollution in Jakarta: Study using System Dynamics Simulation Models

Azhari Aziz Samudra, Bram Hertasning, Ladoni Amiro

Article ID: 2969
Vol 8, Issue 2, 2024


Air pollution in Jakarta has become a severe concern in the last four months. IQAir, in August 2023, revealed that the level of air pollution had reached 161 points on the Air Pollution Standard Index (APSI). The negative impact on society has placed air pollution as a concern for environmental safety and survival in danger. This condition will encourage the development of a national policy agenda to integrate environmental welfare through various energy efficiency channels. This research analyzes the relationship between air pollutant elements that can reduce air quality. The analysis includes pollutant intensity measured by APSI per unit of pollutant as a measure of efficiency. The aim is to observe energy use, which causes an increase in pollutant levels. This research utilizes dynamic system modeling to produce relationships between parameters to produce factors that cause pollution. The parameters used are motorized vehicles, waste burning in landfills, industry, and power plants. The results of historical behavioral tests and statistical suitability tests show that the behavior is suitable for the short and long term. The simulation results show that the pollution level will worsen by the end of 2027, a hazardous condition for society. The optimistic scenario simulation model proposes immediate counter-measures to reduce pollution to 45.01, the ideal condition. To accelerate improvements in air quality, the Government can plan policies to reduce the use of coal by power plants and industry, as well as the use of electric motorized vehicles, resulting in an ideal reduction in pollution by 2024. In conclusion, pollution can be reduced effectively if the Government firmly implements policies to maintain that air quality remains stable below 50 points.


public policy; air pollution; motor vehicle; power plan; waste burn; industrial pollution; dynamic system simulation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i2.2969


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