Understanding the determinants of households’ intention to practise solid waste segregation-at-source: Theoretical framework development
Vol 8, Issue 3, 2024
Purpose: The level of the environment is gradually declining, especially with regard to the serious problem of solid waste. Solid waste segregation-at-source is seen as the most essential approach to helping the natural environment minimize the amount of waste generated before being transferred to waste disposal sites and landfills in many rapidly growing towns and cities in developing countries. However, a number of previous environmental-based research have focused only on the general scope of recycling, sustainable development, and the purchase intention for sustainable food products. This situation has led to useful and relevant information on the research scope of households’ intention to segregate solid waste at source, which remains largely unanswered. The aim of this paper is, therefore, to provide a literature review to develop a novel theoretical framework in understanding the determinants of households’ intention to practise solid waste segregation-at-source. Theoretical framework: The study provides a detailed explanation of the application of the Theory of Reasoned Action, the Fietkau-Kessel Model, the Focus Theory of Normative Conduct, and the Value-Basis Theory to predict the relationship between attitude, subjective norms, environmental concerns, and environmental knowledge of households on intention to practise solid waste segregation-at-source. Design/methodology/approach: This research is descriptive in nature. Findings: A better understanding of the potential mediator and moderator is needed to contribute to the body of knowledge on the causal relationship between the studied variables. In conclusion, the researchers discuss how the framework can be used to address future research implications as more evidence emerges. Research, practical and social implications: The current study is expected to broaden previous research in order to improve general understanding of attitudes and subjective norms towards the specific research scope of solid waste segregation-at-source.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i3.2906
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