Enhancing competitiveness in cocoa associations: An integral project management approach based on Porter’s Diamond Model

Gino I. Ayon Ponce, Arturo A. Álvarez Indacochea, Adriana L. Salazar Moran, Erick R. Baque Sánchez, Julieta Hernández-Ramírez, Jorge E. Arboleda Puerta, E. Leonardo Camero Ortiz, Jose E. Corredor-Torres, Jennifer Tovar-Quintero, Cristian Rincón-Guio

Article ID: 2872
Vol 8, Issue 2, 2024


This study aims to structure guidelines for an intervention model from the perspective of Integral Project Management to improve the competitiveness level of cacao associations in south region of Colombia. The research followed a mixed-method approach with a non-experimental cross-sectional design and a descriptive scope. The study employed a stage-based analytical framework which included: identifying the factors influencing the competitiveness of the cacao sector; grouping these factors under the six primary determinants of competitiveness with reference to Porter’s Diamond Model; and proposing guidelines for an intervention model to enhance the competitiveness of the studied associations through project management. The first stage was conducted via literature review. The second stage involved primary data collected through surveys and interviews with the associations, members, and cacao sector experts in Huila. The third stage entailed grouping the factors within the main determinants that promote and limit the competitiveness of the cacao sector in the context of Porter’s Diamond Model. Based on the analysis of the corresponding restrictive and promoting factors, strategic recommendations were formulated for the various sector stakeholders on the measures that can be adopted to address restrictive factors and maintain promoting factors to enhance and sustain the sector's competitiveness.


cocoa; competitiveness association; project management; Porter’s Diamond

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i2.2872


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