Human resource management (HRM) and performance: Balancing between optimization of organizational performance and well-being of (healthcare) employees

Anneloes van den Broek

Article ID: 2812
Vol 8, Issue 1, 2024


The future of Dutch healthcare is a challenge that focuses on four aims: the ‘Quadruple Aim’. These aims concern: improving the quality and accessibility of care, enhancing patient experience, reducing healthcare costs and increasing the job satisfaction of healthcare professionals. Healthcare professionals play a major role in the realization of the first three aims. The pressure on healthcare and the scarce capacity forces us to treat this human capital with care. Satisfied employees are partly decisive for the success of an organization. At the same time, an organization expects optimal performance from its employees. This requires an active and involved attitude from the HRM department. The individual employee plays an intermediary role between HRM activities and organizational performance. In order to increase knowledge and understanding about this position, attention to the individual in the context of the organization is essential. In this article, the relationship between HRM, performance and well-being of employees and underlying theoretical explanation models are discussed. Recommendations were made on the contribution that HRM can make to the balance between employee and organizational interests.


human resource management; organizational performance; mental health healthcare professionals; well-being employees

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