Assessing the impact of social media interaction in s-commerce strategies mediated by relationship quality
Vol 8, Issue 2, 2024
In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital marketing, the influence of social media on consumer behavior has become a focal point of scholarly inquiry. This study delves into the intricate dynamics between social media interaction and the quality of relationships in the context of s-commerce, examining how these interactions impact customer loyalty and purchase intentions. It is imperative to note that while the study does explore the mediating role, it is not the primary focus. The core objective revolves around understanding the nuanced relationships between social media interaction and relationship quality. This clarification ensures a precise delineation of the research scope and objectives. Furthermore, it is worth emphasizing that while the study delves into customer loyalty, this aspect is not explicitly reflected in the title. However, the examination of loyalty remains an integral component of the research, providing a holistic view of customer behavior in the digital marketplace. By addressing the interplay between social media engagement and relationship quality, this study aims to provide valuable insights for businesses navigating the complexities of s-commerce. Through this research, we seek to illuminate the pivotal role of social media interactions in shaping customer-company relationships, thus offering actionable insights for practitioners and enriching the academic discourse in the field of digital marketing.
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