Comparing data mining methods for predicting cost construction projects: A case study of cost management datasets from Thailand

Tanayut Chaitongrat, Kridtsada Janthachai, Wuttipong Kusonkhum, Paranee Boonchai, M. Faisi Ikhwali, Mathinee Khotdee

Article ID: 2801
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024


This research examines three data mining approaches employing cost management datasets from 391 Thai contractor companies to investigate the predictive modeling of construction project failure with nine parameters. Artificial neural networks, naive bayes, and decision trees with attribute selection are some of the algorithms that were explored. In comparison to artificial neural network’s (91.33%) and naive bays’ (70.01%) accuracy rates, the decision trees with attribute selection demonstrated greater classification efficiency, registering an accuracy of 98.14%. Finally, the nine parameters include: 1) planning according to the current situation; 2) the company’s cost management strategy; 3) control and coordination from employees at different levels of the organization to survive on the basis of various uncertainties; 4) the importance of labor management factors; 5) the general status of the company, which has a significant effect on the project success; 6) the cost of procurement of the field office location; 7) the operational constraints and long-term safe work procedures; 8) the implementation of the construction system system piece by piece, using prefabricated parts; 9) dealing with the COVID-19 crisis, which is crucial for preventing project failure. The results show how advanced data mining approaches can improve cost estimation and prevent project failure, as well as how computational methods can enhance sustainability in the building industry. Although the results are encouraging, they also highlight issues including data asymmetry and the potential for overfitting in the decision tree model, necessitating careful consideration.


contractor costs; data mining; neural networks; naïve bayes; decision tree

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