Impact of big data analytics in project success: Mediating role of intellectual capital and knowledge sharing
Vol 7, Issue 3, 2023
Purpose: This study empirically investigates the effect of big data analytics (BDA) on project success (PS). Additionally, in this study, the investigation includes an examination of how intellectual capital (IC) and (KS) act as mediators in the correlation between BDA and KS. Lastly, a connection between entrepreneurial leadership (EL) and BDA is also explored. Design/Methodology- Using a sample of 422 senior-level employees from the IT sector in Peru. The partial least squares structural equation modeling technique tested the hypothesized relationships. Findings- According to the findings, the relationship between BDA and PS is mediated by structural capital (SC) and relational capital (RC), and BDA demonstrates a positive and noteworthy correlation with PS. Furthermore, EL is positively associated with BDA in a significant manner. Practical implications- The finding of this study reinforce the corporate experience of BDA and suggest how senior levels of the IT sector can promote SC, RC, and EL. Originality/Value- This study is one of the first to consider big data analytics as an important antecedent of project success. With little or no research on the interrelationship of big data analytics, intellectual capital and knowledge sharing the study contributes by investigating the mediating role of intellectual capital and knowledge sharing on the relationship between big data analytics and project success.
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