Sustainable investment strategies in the palm oil industry in Indonesia
Vol 7, Issue 3, 2023
The purpose of this study is to look at the negative environmental impacts and social problems, which require a government response to maintain the sustainability of the palm oil industry. This research uses Online Research Methods (ORMs) to collect data and information through the internet and other digital technologies. The collected data was then coded using Nvivo 12 Plus. The purpose of this study is to fill the research void left by previous researchers by analyzing investment strategies and services in supporting the sustainability of the palm oil industry in Riau Province. This study shows that to support the potential of the palm oil industry to remain optimal, the central and local governments coordinate to provide investment services and pay attention to the sustainability issues of the palm oil industry. Some important aspects to consider are strengthening regulations, an integrated plantation licensing system, improving access to markets, RSPO certification, realization of foreign investment, downstream industry, replanting programme, plantation revitalisation programme, and sustainable plantation partnerships. However, there are still some crucial challenges, particularly land conflicts, climate change, environmental issues, limited technology and innovation, and export market dependence. These challenges may hamper future investment opportunities.
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