Fueling big data analytics for project success: Mediating role of knowledge sharing and innovation performance
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2023
Purpose: Drawing on the Resource Based View (RBV) and Dynamic Capabilities Theory (DCT), the study seeks to investigate the impact of Big Data Analytics (BDA) on Project Success (PS) through Knowledge Sharing (KS) and Innovation Performance (IPF). Design/Methodology: Survey data were collected from 422 senior-level employees in IT companies, and the proposed relationships were assessed using the SMART-PLS 4 Structural Equation Modeling tool. Findings: The results show a positive and significant indirect effect of big data analytics on project success through knowledge sharing. IPF significantly mediated the relationship between BDA and PS in IT companies. Originality/Value: This study is one of the first to consider big data analytics as an essential antecedent of project success. With little or no research on the interrelationship of big data analytics, knowledge sharing, innovation performance, and organizational performance, the study investigates the mediating role of knowledge sharing and innovation performance on the relationship between BDA and PS. Implications: This study, grounded in RBV and DCT, investigates BDA’s influence on PS through KS and IPF. Implications encompass BDA’s strategic role, KS and IPF mediation, and practical and research-based insights. Findings guide BDA integration, collaborative cultures, and sustained success.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v7i2.2255
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