Knowledge management and organizational learning to improve the organizational performance of mines in Indonesia

Ismi Rajiani, Normuslim Normuslim

Article ID: 2227
Vol 7, Issue 2, 2023

VIEWS - 711 (Abstract)


The mining sector faces a complex dilemma as an economic development agent through social upliftment in places where mining corporations operate. Resource extraction is destructive and non-renewable, making it dirty and unsustainable. To ensure corporate sustainability, this paper examines the effects of knowledge management (KM), organizational learning (OL), and innovation capability (IC) on Indonesian coal mining’s organizational performance (OP). We used factor and path analysis to examine the relationships between the above constructs. After forming a conceptual model, principal component analysis validated the factor structure of a collection of observed variables. Path analysis examined the theories. The hypothesized framework was confirmed, indicating a positive association between constructs. However, due to mining industry peculiarities, IC does not affect organizational performance (OP). This study supports the importance of utilizing people and their relevant skills to improve operational performance. The findings have implications for managers of coal mining enterprises, as they suggest that KM and OL are critical drivers of OP. Managers should focus on creating an environment that facilitates knowledge sharing and learning, as this will help improve their organizations’ performance.


knowledge management; organizational learning; innovation capability; organisational performance; coal mining; Indonesia

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