Analysis of settlement parameters of architecture faculties on university campus

Parisa Doraj, Havva Özyılmaz, Ümit Akar

Article ID: 2168
Vol 8, Issue 2, 2024


The selection of a suitable place for an activity is an important decision made for a project, which requires assessing it from different points of view. Educational use is one of the most complicated and substantial uses in urban space that requires precise and logical attention to its location and neighborhood with similar and consistent uses. Faculties of universities are educational spaces that should be protected against physical and moral damage to create a healthy educational environment. To do this, it is necessary to find and assess the factors affecting the location of educational spaces. The extant study aimed at finding and assessing the factors affecting the location of educational spaces to locate art and architecture schools or faculties in 4 important universities. The present study is applied developmental research in terms of nature and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. This study used the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) weighing and controlled the prioritization through the TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity) technique in the methodology phase. Since there was no criterion and metric for these centers, six were chosen as the primary metrics after reviewing the relevant theoretical foundations, early investigations, and collecting effective data. Finally, the results indicated the most important factors of vehicular or roadway access, pedestrian access, slope, parking, adjacency, neighborhood, and area. Among the mentioned factors, pedestrian access (w: 0.4231) had the highest weight and was the priority in the location of architecture faculty in studied campuses and areas inside the universities.


location; architecture faculty; AHP hierarchy; TOPSIS technique

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