Fueling innovation performance through entrepreneurial leadership: Assessing the neglected mediating role of intellectual capital
Vol 7, Issue 1, 2023
This study uses dynamic capability theory and a resource-based view to examine whether intellectual capital (human, relational, and structural capital) mediates entrepreneurial leadership and innovation success. Drawing on data from 422 senior-level employees working in Peruvian I.T. companies, the proposed relationships were analyzed using SmartPLS 4. Entrepreneurial leadership was found to foster employees’ innovative performance through the mediating role of human capital, relational capital, and structural capital. Practically, businesses often rely on innovation for survival and growth, so they should consider entrepreneurial leadership to create intellectual capital (human capital, relational capital and structural capital) for innovation performance. Businesses should provide entrepreneurial training that emphasizes role modeling intellectual capital and encourages employees to recognize and pursue entrepreneurial opportunities. With significantly limited research, the study contributes by investigating the interrelationship of entrepreneurial leadership, intellectual capital, and innovation performance. The study contributes to the Resource Based View and Dynamic Capability Theory by demonstrating how entrepreneurial leadership contributes to innovation performance through human capital, relational capital, and structural capital.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v7i1.2020
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