Analysis of Croatian public procurement notes: Green public procurement as a strategic tool to encourage sustainable food production
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
It is possible to provide green, ecological, and innovative products and services through green and sustainable public procurement. This study analyzes the opportunity offered to public contracting authorities in the Republic of Croatia (RH) in transformation from existing economy to a sustainable one through the inclusion of small and medium sized (SME) companies and inclusion of selection criteria that promote all three sustainable goals. The study employed a qualitative method and empirical analysis of public procurement procedures for eggs in the period from 2013 to 2021 in RH. The product was procured in many social institutions, hospitals, schools, student canteens and by procuring a sustainable product, added value could be created for the entire community. Data from the Electronic Public Procurement Classifieds of the Republic of Croatia (EOJN RH) and Data from the State and European Union (EU) Statistical Office were used. The research showed that sustainable procurement criteria were used for the first time in 2021, and that public contracting authorities put a stronger focus on the environmental pillar of sustainability and less or almost none on the economic and social pillar. The volume of demand and production was also calculated. The study found that the first contractor for sustainable product was SME company, producer of food, who adapted to the green conditions of public procurement in a short period of time. The paper empirically demonstrated that public procurement can be a powerful tool, but it was not used enough in the observed period for the observed products in RH.
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