Financial intermediation development model as a factor of growth of population welfare in post-Soviet countries

Karen Turyan

Article ID: 10681
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024


The economy of post-Soviet countries has its own specifics, including those related to the development of the financial system and the financial intermediation market. Based on the results of a study, the author has identified a problem associated with the lack of sound tools that could be used to improve the efficiency of the financial intermediary market. The main directions of such a process are mobilization of savings, distribution of financial assets, payment system, risk management and control over market agents involved in financial transactions. The digital or cyber-social approach proposed by the author involves the use of innovations in the financial market, expanding the accumulated pool of knowledge and increasing the intellectual capital of financial intermediaries, and the active use of information and communication networks to perform various financial transactions and provide financial services. The unique characteristics of financial intermediation development in former USSR countries are determined by the emerging type of economy, characteristic of many states, which causes an insufficient degree of development of traditional forms of financial intermediation, the use of specific tools, such as Islamic finance, and poor penetration of digital technologies into the economy.


population welfare; invention; cyber-social approach; strategizing; financial intermediaries; involvement effect

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