Unpacking the relationship between english proficiency and intercultural communicative competence: Contributions to sustainable higher education
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2025
This study explored the relationship between Chinese graduate students’ English language proficiency (ELP) and intercultural communicative competence (ICC). With the acceleration of globalization, an increasing number of Chinese students choose to study abroad, making it crucial to enhance their intercultural communication ability and language skills. However, China’s exam-oriented education system to some extent limits students’ holistic development and poses challenges for them in intercultural exchange. A quantitative survey method was employed, collecting questionnaire data from 249 Chinese English-major graduate students to analyze the relationship between their English ability and intercultural competence. The results indicated a certain positive correlation between English proficiency and intercultural competence but also pointed to the need for further unpacking of complexity and influencing factors. Future research with more robust methodology is still warranted to provide deeper insights into the linkage between the two constructs in the Chinese graduate context.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd10530
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