The impact of social media activity on destination networking in the city of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Ferenc Darabos, Agnes Horvath

Article ID: 10400
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2025


The study aims to investigate and analyse the social media, precisely the Instagram activity of several hotels in the city of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Having been the second most popular destination besides Bali, it is mainly dominated by domestic tourism. Although several governmental institutions exist, the study focuses on the hotel’s activity only. The main purpose was to find, that after the classification of the posts, whether there is a more positive effect of one as opposed to the other type of posts. In addition, it was also important to see if with the time advancing positive effect of likes and comments appear and the relation of hashtags, likes and comments. Data was collected between 1st of January 2023. and 15th of July 2024. The first step was to collect posts done by the suppliers and then the posts were classified. Also, the number of hashtags used were collected. Second step was to collect the response from the demand side by gathering their likes and comments. Data then was analysed with SPSS 24 and JASP program. Results show that while there is no significance on increasing likes and comments with the months advancing, but in terms of the type of the posts there is. Promotional posts with other suppliers tend to bring a lot more comments and likes than self-promotional posts. This study’s main purpose to analyse through social media posts to enhance online networking by local suppliers promoting each other’s products.


social media; collaboration; hashtags; post effectiveness; user-generated content

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