Influencing factors of blended learning in private universities: An empirical study based on structural model

Pengfei Cui, Bity Salwana Alias

Article ID: 10276
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024

VIEWS - 78 (Abstract)


With the continuous development and rapid progress of Internet technology, the technology of “Internet +” has been widely used in almost all walks of life, including education. The new learning mode of “Internet + education” is changing learners’ learning habits, and this learning mode has become a hot issue that scholars pay attention to. Although there is much research on blended learning, the research on the influencing factors of blended learning in Chinese private colleges and universities is limited. In this paper, the questionnaire was designed based on the theory of planning behavior and the technical acceptance model theory, and distribute these questionnaires to undergraduates at Harbin Cambridge University, a private university in China, and 162 valid questionnaires were collected. Analysis was performed by multiple linear regression and structural equation model method. It is found that college students’ blended learning effect is positively correlated with perceived usefulness, interactive behavior, and learning acceptance, while perceived ease of use and learning atmosphere have no significant influence on the learning effect. This study further found that perceived usefulness and interactive behavior can influence the effect of blended learning through the mediating effect of learning acceptance. The results of this study provide a new idea for the study of blended learning; that is, students will know how to improve the effectiveness of blended learning, and also provide a valuable reference for teachers to solve the problem of how to improve the quality and effectiveness of blended classroom teaching.


internet education; blended learning; online learning

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