Exploring consumer motivations and barriers in solar energy investments in North Transdanubia

Szilvia Módosné Szalai, Szonja Jenei, Elena Moreno-García, Vasantha Patibandla Lakshmi, Erika Tóthné Juhász, Csaba Bálint Illés

Article ID: 10227
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024


The global significance of the energy crisis and the need for a sustainable European electricity system have intensified interest in renewable energy sources. This study aims to explore the attitudes toward solar energy systems among the population of the North Transdanubian region, which is crucial for companies in the region specializing in solar system installation. The research sheds light on trends in energy prices, potential strategies for addressing the energy crisis, and the regulatory environment for solar systems in Hungary and Austria, focusing on the Burgenland region. The study is divided into two main sections: secondary and primary research. The secondary research presents various applications of renewable energy sources, especially solar energy, and examines energy pricing trends in the two countries, with particular emphasis on the payback period and the impact of changes in energy prices. The primary research is also divided into two parts: the first examines the satisfaction of customers who already use solar systems, and the second focuses on the attitudes of potential customers toward solar investments. The findings provide a comprehensive view of both current users’ and prospective investors’ perspectives on solar energy systems. The practical significance of this research lies in identifying development opportunities for companies, advancing energy efficiency goals, and supporting sustainability efforts.


sustainability; solar energy; payback; customer satisfaction; potential buyers

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd10227


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