Assessment of traumatic landscapes in the context of urban memory and dark tourism: A case study of Northern Cyprus Varosha
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024
This study aims to analyze Closed Varosha, a prominent tourist destination in the Eastern Mediterranean, as a traumatic landscape in the 1970s. This study also seeks to evaluate this site from the perspective of landscape architecture, with a particular focus on urban memory and dark tourism concepts, and to introduce the concept of “traumatic landscapes” to the existing literature on the subject. The case study analysis, on-site observation and document examination techniques were employed as research methods. A comprehensive literature review was conducted as part of this study, encompassing data on Closed Varosha, the study area, and its surrounding context. The Varosha city visited with the assistance of a travel guide, and comprehensive information and visual materials (photographs, video footage, etc.) collected in the field study. Study results proposed that the landscapes where social traumas are experienced and which have become a symbol should be used for cultural and scientific activities. This may be achieved by making use of urban memory in order to transform these landscapes into an improved version of the existing ones. Furthermore, this could serve to awaken the awareness of universal peace in visitors within the scope of dark tourism. Another potential avenue for exploration is the organization of common sense workshops with the participation of stakeholders from both communities. This could facilitate the development of future solutions through a participatory approach. Additionally, there is a need to expand transnational and multidisciplinary studies. This would enable future generations to engage in dialogue about Closed Varosha in a constructive manner.
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